With many people taking advantage of government backed schemes to buy their first home or upsize to a larger living space we’ve seen house move storage boom. Many areas such as London have seen residents chosen to step away from the capital and discover rural tranquillity, some areas around the UK have boomed.
Of course, it’s no secret that moving house can be one of life’s most stressful events. So in this week’s article, we thought we’d share three practical ways to ensure your move is trouble-free. It will be no surprise to you that securing short-term storage space features on the list. And we can help with self storage facilities in Buckingham, Bury St Edmunds, Corby, Huntingdon, Petersfield & St Ives (Cambridgeshire), with more coming soon.
Read on for three practical tips to help you enjoy a stress-free move!
Anybody who has ever moved house in the UK before will know that buying and selling is never the fastest event! The conveyancing wheels turn relatively slowly, so one thing you do have is time. So, use this to be super-organised and plan a moving timetable.
There’s nothing more satisfying than ticking things off a to-do list. If you like to use your smartphone to stay organised, there are a section of apps that can help you on both IOS and android devices. One of our favourite apps is the Moving Organizer Pro (Android, IOS) this paid app can help you organise your boxes and who is transporting what. You can also use free apps and even make a checklist yourself on your notes app, so there are many ways your phone can relieve some moving stresses.
Alternatively, if you prefer to stay organised the old-fashioned way, you can download a PDF Moving House Checklist from HERE. This Which? checklist is one of favourite find to help your house move be less stressful. Don’t forget to include booking your short term storage space on your checklist. Contact us about availability at our sites in Buckingham, Bury St Edmunds, Corby, Huntingdon and St Ives in Cambridgeshire.
While it’s true that many hands make light work, it does sometimes depend on who those hands belong to… If you have a young family, a move can be less stressful if you can organise child care on the big day. Or you might even consider a visit to grandparents (or other friends or family) for a couple of days, leaving you to get your new home in some semblance of order. Pets can also be a distraction on moving day, so a visit to your friendly doggy day care provider might be useful.
With so much to do on moving day, it’s easy to forget to take care of yourself. But eating and sleeping well are key to recovery and feeling like yourself after a stressful move.
So, do ensure you arrange a grocery delivery around moving in time. And, if ever there was a time for ready-meals, moving house is it! Two of our favourite ready meal delivery services are Cook and By Ruby. Both offer award-winning meals that taste as good as the meals you make at home.
Moving house is one of the most stressful things you can do in your lifetime. There are no rules about moving all of your belongings in a short period of time. Why not move some non essential items into storage while you get used to your new home space? Short term storage of 1-2 months can help you move your household items early into a secure storage container. We’ll keep your items safe and secure until you’ve made the space for them in your new home.
Over the years of helping our customers with storage while moving home we’ve seen many people benefit from using our short term self-storage. You won’t have rooms cluttered with boxes and furniture if you choose to use our storage solution. This gives you time to plan out your rooms as you want without being encumbered with items that you have to move around for flooring or painting.
Our storage units have drive-up access so you won’t have to spend all day at the site unloading your household goods or loading them back into your car. You can simple drive right up to the front of your unit, grab your boxes and load up the car. No need for caddying your stuff down endless hallways on multiple trips. We’ll have your items safe and secure ready for you to pick up as you see fit, when they are needed. You’ll be in and out in minutes.
If you’re ready to get moving with short term storage space, talk to us. Call us on 0203 981 2900 or get an instant quote online.
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